Diary Dates – Spring Term 2025

Welcome to 8th Cheams Diary for the Spring terms.

Please always check your email and/or WhatsApp for any last-minute changes to events or meetings.

  • Beavers start
  • Cubs start
  • Scouts start
  • 15th March – Trivia Night – Everyone can play!

The dates above are important events in 8th Cheams scouting activity calendar and some of them help with, or raise funds for, the group’s many maintenance projects.

The dates on the 2025 Group Diary do not include all the regular weekly meetings or many of the activities which only affect one section of the Group, there wouldn’t be enough room to list them all!
Full details of these activities will be provided by your Section Leader.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Please note: All dates/times/venues are subject to change.
If you haven’t visited our website or received the latest WhatsApp, email or hand-out letter, please speak to your section leader for confirmation of the above dates, times and venues.
It is your responsibility to check all of the above so that your young person, or you, don’t miss any of the exciting forthcoming event.